Saturday, November 1, 2008

Spooky costumes this year...

 Gone are the days of superhero's and fairy princess'.  My kids both wanted to be spooky this year.  Oh, well.  We had fun!  They have such a festive mom.  I enjoy Halloween just as much as any young kid.  I always have.  I love creepin' out the house and blasting the scary halloween sounds for the trick or treaters that come by.  Houston was a scary phantom (the costume originally came with a mask, but after he saw me paint taryns face, he wanted to do a scary face for all to see).  Taryn was Mortisha from the Adams family.  I love how each time I take a photo, they stay in true character.  


Holly and Steve said...

How fun! we will have to do a Hanson party so we can all share in the fun! You did a great job on the makeup! love ya!

natasha said...

i hate halloween but you make me almost want to like it. :)

{natalie} said...

they look awesome! i love the serious faces to go w/the makeup.